
27 urria, 2023

BC3k egokitzapen-misioari laguntzen dio citiES 2030 plataformarekin lankidetzan

Unai Pascual, Anil Markandya, Mikel González-Eguino, Ibon Galarraga eta Luis Maria Abadie, zientziaren munduan eragin handiena duten zientzialarien artean sartu dira, Stanford Unibertsitatea eginiko Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists azken sailkapenaren arabera. Gainera, rankingaren eguneratze honetan, Iñaki Arto BC3ko ikertzailea ere munduko ikertzailerik eraginkorrenetakoa izendatua izan da.
16 urria, 2023

BC3ko 6 ikertzaile munduko ikertzaile garrantzitsuen %2ren artean

Unai Pascual, Anil Markandya, Mikel González-Eguino, Ibon Galarraga eta Luis Maria Abadie, zientziaren munduan eragin handiena duten zientzialarien artean sartu dira, Stanford Unibertsitatea eginiko Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists azken sailkapenaren arabera. Gainera, rankingaren eguneratze honetan, Iñaki Arto BC3ko ikertzailea ere munduko ikertzailerik eraginkorrenetakoa izendatua izan da.
11 urria, 2023

La gerente de BC3 Nerea Ortiz, reconocida por impulsar una investigación excelente en cambio climático

Nerea Ortiz, gerente de BC3, ha recibido el premio Human Hub Sariak 2023 en la categoría Green Science Talent por su trayectoria en BC3 y por impulsar una investigación excelente sobre el cambio climático en Euskadi.
29 iraila, 2023

New project on insurance solutions for climate change adaptation: SOTERIA

On 21-22 September took place in Bilbao, Spain the official kickoff of a new Horizon Europe project called SOTERIA (SOlutions TEsting for Regions through Insurance for Climate Adaptation). The project, which is coordinated by BC3, will contribute to the wider goal of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change of increasing Europe’s resilience and preparedness to face the unavoidable consequences of the climate crisis by filling the gaps in insurance coverage for climate adaptation.
28 iraila, 2023

Travelling beyond words: Visual language in participatory research in the Mar Menor lagoon

Shared Dialogues is a transdisciplinary project which explores participatory and artistic tools to collectively reflect on how people experience environmental loss and conflicts in relation to the eutrophication of the Mar Menor lagoon.
15 iraila, 2023

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Nicolás González Santacruz

Dr Nicolás González Santacruz graduated with a thesis entitled “Exploring the impact of impurities in the high mountain cryosphere: Effects on the seasonal snowpack (Karakoram Range, Pakistan) and on the glacier ice microstructure (Monte Perdido Glacier, Spain)” today at Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU).
16 abuztua, 2023

Releasing BC3’s 2022 annual report

Transdisciplinary research integrates knowledge through active collaboration across academic disciplines and with non-academic stakeholders. Being a transdisciplinary researcher implies more than raising awareness through scientific evidence, it is a unique approach to engaging with different ways of knowing the world and generating new knowledge to address societal challenges.
7 uztaila, 2023

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Freddy Eliseo Michel Portugal

Dr Freddy Eliseo Michel Portugal graduated with a thesis entitled “Climate Change and Traditional/Ancestral Resilience of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon ” today at the Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU). Michel’s thesis has been supervised by Professor Sérgio H. Faria Ikerbasque researcher at BC3).
6 uztaila, 2023

Ainhoa Magrach BC3ko ikertzailea, Consolidator ikerketa-aldian zientzialari lider gisa aitortua

El Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco e Ikerbasque han otorgado el reconocimiento de investigadora Consolidator por unanimidad a la investigadora Ikerbasque en BC3 Ainhoa Magrach, por ser líder en su ámbito de investigación, junto a las investigadoras de la UPV-EHU Alicia Alonso y Sara Barja en las categorías Advanced y Starting, respectivamente.
30 ekaina, 2023

#BC315: Celebrating 15 years of transdisciplinary research for sustainable development

Since 2008, BC3 has provided decision makers worldwide with scientific knowledge, tools and methodologies on the causes and effects of climate change by integrating its environmental, socioeconomic, and ethical dimensions.