
May 12, 2022

Postdoctoral Researcher in Ecological Modeling

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) offers a full-time postdoctoral scientist position in order to support the research activities of Research Line (RL) 5 on Integrated Modelling of Coupled Human-Natural Systems, and specifically work on the international project OBServ.
April 11, 2022


BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change, junto a la reserva de la biosfera de Urdaibai, UPV/EHU, Consorcio de Aguas de Busturialdea y Agencia EFE particpa en el proyecto Life Urbaso que persigue demostrar que una planificación cuidadosa y adecuada de la gestión forestal en las cuencas vertientes a las captaciones de agua potable mejoran la calidad y aumentan la cantidad del agua captada, ambas imprescindibles para mejorar la salud humana y adaptarnos a las incertidumbres del cambio climático.
April 5, 2022

#ARIES15years: Join us and be part of the integrated modelling adventure!

Collaboration among different stakeholders in the geospatial community (e.g., data providers, modellers, platform hosts) is crucial to achieve extensive use of integrated modelling by countries around the world. By working together as an open and collaborative network, these various groups can support successful and widespread implementation of the ARIES vision to move open science forward.
March 30, 2022

Expert on Integrated Assessment Modelling

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), is looking for candidates who can support its activities related to the development and use of integrated assessment modelling (IAMs) for evaluation of energy and climate policies. The selected candidate will contribute to different research projects carried out by the Low Carbon team and BC3, including the use and development of existing IAM models at BC3.
March 18, 2022

Las Naciones Unidas declaran 2026 Año Internacional de Pastizales y Pastores

El 15 de marzo de 2022, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York declaró por unanimidad 2026 como el Año Internacional de Pastizales y Pastores. Esta aprobación final es la culminación de un movimiento del Año Internacional que creció durante varios años hasta convertirse en una coalición mundial de más de 300 organizaciones de pastores y de apoyo, entre ellas el Instituto Internacional de Investigación Pecuaria (ILRI) y varias agencias de la ONU. Basándose en estos esfuerzos, el Gobierno de Mongolia y 60 países copatrocinadores elaboraron y presentaron la resolución a la Asamblea General.
March 17, 2022

Expert on economic modelling and impact assessment of policies

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for candidates who can support its activities related to the development and use of economic modelling for the assessment of energy and climate policies.
March 15, 2022

#ARIES15years: An overview of k.LAB’s main concepts and components

Over the past fifteen years, ARIES has contributed to building a global digital commons for environmental sustainability, through both its semantic web platform and its annual intensive modelling school for scientists and policy analysts, the International Spring University (ISU) on Ecosystem Services Modelling.
March 14, 2022

Las investigadoras Marta Olazabal y Elisa Sainz de Murieta contribuyen al nuevo informe del IPCC sobre impactos, adaptación y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático

The latest report of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has analyzed the impacts, adaptation and vulnerability of the climate crisis to ecosystems, infrastructure and human populations, where they have concluded that “Climate change is a threat to the human well-being and health of the planet.
March 10, 2022

Russia’s war in Ukraine: Why doubling down on the Green Deal is the best strategy

As EU leaders meet in Versaille, energy is set to be a key topic. But leaders must ensure that the decisions they make to break away from Russian energy push the EU in the direction of sustainability, argue European sustainability think tanks.
March 7, 2022

Principios para el establecimiento de un mecanismo de ajuste en frontera por emisiones de carbono en la Unión Europea

Con el gobierno francés dando prioridad al logro un consenso amplio sobre el establecimiento de un mecanismo de ajuste en frontera por emisiones de carbono (CBAM) para el final de su presidencia del Consejo Europeo en junio, un grupo de expertos en comercio verde ha redactado un texto con una serie de principios que pretende servir de guía para el debate en el seno de la Unión Europea.